Partly it was the reception of his own artistic production that tickled him . 一方面是由于他那些美术作品引起的反应,使他忍俊不禁。
A theater architect is concerned with the design as it supports different kinds of artistic productions . 戏院建筑师关心这种设计要能配合各种戏曲的演出。
The law of artistic production and material production 应正确理解艺术生产与物质生产的规律性
Descriptive comment on artistic production theory of the new period 新时期艺术生产理论研究述评
Unique and artistic production 最佳独特艺术制作奖
Unlike studio artists, ozawa bases his artistic production through communication, interaction and dialogue 与其他工作室艺术家不同,小?刚是致力于于沟通、互动和对话进行艺术创作。
A series of six talks on artistic production, curatorship, art criticism and cultural workers social responsibilities by cultural workers from the asia-pacific region 亚太区艺术工作者、艺评人、收藏者、策展人的讲座系列
Besides, by promoting art, media firms become more competitive and can develop a symbiotic relation with the field of artistic production 此外,媒体进入文化商品的行销可增加市场上的竞争力,并与艺术文化领域生成一种共生共栖的关系。
2 everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author 二人人对由于他所创作的任何科学文学或美术作品而产生的精神的和物质的利益,有享受保护的权利。
Now, there are two mines with advanced technique of prodution, with advanced production plant . it provides different high quality board and ston carving artistic production for you 公司下设石材、石雕加工厂,现有矿山两处、拥有一流的生产技术、一流的生产设备,为您提供各种优质板材、石雕艺术产品。